JHRA Second Quarter Progress Report 2013


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JHRA Second Quarter Progress Report 2013

August 27, 2013

The Second Quarter Progress Report 2013 for the Justice and Human Rights in Afghanistan Project (JHRA). JHRA has set a solid foundation to measure change through JHRA’s interventions in Afghanistan’s justice sector. A number of needs and capacity assessments across all outputs were accomplished. Together with the collection of baseline information, these assessments provide the basis for capacity development to be undertaken in quarter 3 (Q3). To improve access to justice for vulnerable groups, a Legal Aid Grant Facility (LAGF) will be established based on a Memorandum of Understanding between all stakeholders. To increase public participation processes, JHRA launched a pilot project on the rights of street vendors. Further, JHRA achieved a milestone in the history of the justice sector in Afghanistan with the endorsement of the finalized National Priority Program “Law and Justice for All” (NPP5).