LOTFA First Quarter Progress Report 2015


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LOTFA First Quarter Progress Report 2015

January 26, 2017

The Government of Japan (GOJ), through the “Project for Capacity Development Support to the Afghan National Police”,1 gives its support to the Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan (LOTFA Akheri) in the establishment of an administrative and support facility and systems and capacity development. Overall, and relative to the demands of starting full swing project implementation at the beginning of the reporting period, LOTFA Akherihas made some commendable progress in the First Quarter (Q1) of 2015. Japanese funds are allocated essentially in Pillar I (Payroll Strengthening and Transition) and Pillar III (Professionalization of the Afghan National Police and Central Prison Department) as well as in support for the construction work of the DM Support Building. 

During Q1 of 2015, very little progress was able to be achieved with regards to construction. This follows the suspension of construction work after an independent Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) company’s recommendations. 

In the absence of work on the construction, main work was focused on the renovation and rehabilitation of Ministry of Interior Affairs (MOIA) and Afghan National Police (ANP) facilities, fibre optic cabling at MOIA compound as well as on the purchase of materials for repairing the Martyr’s building. 

Accordingly, the financial report indicates that there has been no expenditure in Q1.