ASGP Second Quarter Progress Report 2014


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ASGP Second Quarter Progress Report 2014

April 28, 2015

The Afghanistan Subnational Governance Programme’s (ASGP) Second Quarter Progress Report for 2014 outlines the project’s results and activities across all 34 provinces during the quarter. ASGP is a capacity development programme that supports more effective, sustainable and inclusive subnational governance across the Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG), Provincial Governors Offices (PGO) and District Governors Offices (DGO), all 34 Provincial Councils (PC), and 19 municipalities. UNDP/ASGP technical and capacity development specialists, who work in seven regional offices including Kabul, support these activities and results, in partnership with ASGP-funded personnel in subnational offices and in IDLG.

Highlights of this Quarterly Progress Report include ongoing support to significant subnational policies and initiatives, such as IDLG’s Capacity Development Plan and the development of policy and terms of reference for gender focal points in municipalities, as well as capacity development initiatives that complement the MOF’s draft Provincial Budgeting Policy, such as planning and budgeting and Public Financial Management for PGO, DGO and line department tashkeel.

ASGP support to IDLG’s organisational reform includes capacity development of technical assistance and tashkeel personnel, especially the Capacity and Institutional Development Directorate and the Policy Directorate. ASGP Capacity Assessments in Q2 demonstrate enhanced capacities for IDLG staff and directorates, including tashkeel personnel, as a result of ASGP capacity development over that quarter (please refer to Output One for more information). ASGP’s technical and financial support to IDLG’s updated Capacity Development Plan, which includes