LoGo First Quarter Progress Report 2017


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LoGo First Quarter Progress Report 2017

September 10, 2017

The Local Governance Project – Afghanistan (LoGo) initiated in October 2015 is funded by the European Union, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and UNDP. The project works with the Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG), 13 Provincial Governor Offices (PGOs) and Provincial Councils (PCs), 22 Provincial and District Municipalities and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in 17 provinces. During the first Quarter of 2017, the project achieved the following:

Output 1: LoGo continued to promote sub-national governance at national and provincial levels. LoGo technically supported Provincial Development Plan (PDP) development across eight provinces using the Provincial Planning Guideline (PPG). Further, IDLG with the support of LoGo launched one Provincial Strategic Plan (PSP), finalized one PSP, drafted two PSPs, established and trained one PSP team on provincial profiling and data collection. Monitoring visits in Lashkar Gah city and Nahri Seraj districts (Helmand Province) revealed lack of educational materials, the authorities reacted and supplied educational supplies.

Output 2: LoGo technically supported revenue generation and accountable service delivery. Comparative analysis of 1395 revenue showed increases in fixed revenue [range 6% - 171%] across 181 municipalities while 132 municipalities had increased total revenue [range 10% - 248%]. This illustrates a positive contribution of revenue enhancement strategies introduced by IDLG with the support of LoGo. Municipalities aligned revenue collection practices with the revenue enhancement indicators and started monthly revenue reporting to increase transparency in revenue management.

Output 3: LoGo developed a new partnership with the Civil Society Organization (CSO)/Government Coordination forum, of which IDLG has now formalized its membership. The CSO/ Government coordination forum advocates for positive changes and recommendations put forward by CSOs. 2 | P a g e

Output 4: LoGo developed and finalized the Public Grievance Guideline for Provincial Councils. LoGo jointly with the USAID funded Initiative to Strengthen Local Administration (ISLA) Project finalized the Communication Strategy.

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