EGEMA Debate Guideline

EGEMA Debate Guideline

March 7, 2019

Following debate competitions under Enhancing Gender Equality and Mainstreaming in Afghanistan (EGEMA) competitions, UNDP's EGEMA project developed and printed the debate guideline as a knowledge product for Deputy Ministry of Youth Affairs, the debate guideline is aimed to promote the debating and discussion skills of the people, specifically youth who are the most interested majority to do debates, a debate guidebook developed by UNDP Uzbekistan has been used for developing this debated guideline. Currently this guideline has been translated into the two local languages of Pashto and Dari.


  • Provide the novice debaters an overview of the main types of debates. 
  • To the organizer of the Debate Clubs it will prompt ideas for student’s recruitment.
  • To the coach it will help in drawing up a plan of trainings and assist in the selection of exercise.
  • Act as a source of reference for future judges of the debate program explains types of debates and their formats, fundamentalsof the judge’s conduct and coach’s work in debates in simple and popular form.
Document Type
Regions and Countries